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Pequod meets Aegee: Spain VS Italy

Last week we interviewed two German girls and tried to find out what they think about Italy and Europe. This week we’ll do the same with a Spanish girl, who as well is spending her Erasmus in Italy. We usually think that Italian and Spanish people are similar, because of the fact that we’re both Latin peoples… Let’s find out what she thinks…

1. What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you study? What do you study?

Marta, 21, I study Business Administration in Albacete.

Marta in Venice, Italy


2. Describe your country in three words (or phrases, or ideas, or places, or people…).

First, people are very warm, close to each others. Second, the sun. Third, Spain is a lively place.

3. Why did you choose Italy? Use one word to describe what Italy represents for you.

Mainly, I chose Italy because it’s similar to Spain. What I mean is that here culture, food and people are not so different than in my country. Of course there are some differences but not that much. Besides, the language is something that made the choice more attractive. In facts, even if you haven’t studied Italian before, it’s so easy for Spanish people to understand it!

For me the best short description of Italy is GOOD FOOD.

Marta: “I took this picture in Valencia and I think Paella and Sangría are pretty Spanish things”


4. First three things that come up to your mind when you think about Europe. Do you consider yourself European?

Freedom, open-mind, equality. Yes, I’m European.

5. Say something about Erasmus.

Party, many foreign people to meet, new experiences.

6. Spain, Italy, Europe: similarities and differences.

As I said before, Spain and Italy have too many similarities. But there’s an important difference: MEALTIMES!

aegee, albacete, Bergamo, Erasmus, featured, italian, italy, paella, sangria, spain, spanish

Margherita Ravelli

Nata nel 1989 ad ovest della cortina di ferro, dalla mia cameretta della provincia di Bergamo ho sempre guardato con curiosità verso est, terra dei gloriosi popoli slavi. Dopo aver vagabondato fra Russia, Ucraina e Polonia ho conseguito la laurea magistrale in lingua e letteratura russa, con una tesi sul multilinguismo e sulla multiculturalità nella repubblica russa del Tatarstan. Sono responsabile della sezione Internazionale di Pequod, oltre che redattrice occasionale per attualità, cultura e viaggi.


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