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Pequod meets AEGEE: Croatia VS Italy

Last week we went to Spain with Marta. This week is all about Croatia. It’s ridiculously close to Italy, but we don’t know a lot about it, about its culture and about its people. That’s why Pequod had a chat with Rina and Martina, two Croatian students who have just finished their Erasmus semester in Bergamo, Italy.

1. What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you study? What do you study?

– Rina Legović, 23, Rijeka, Law

– Martina Grdović, 24, Zagreb, Law

Rina and Martina


2. Describe your country in three words (or phrases, or ideas, or places, or people…).

Rina: nature, cuisine, history – it’s a country that needs to be discovered!

Martina: historical heritage, natural beauty, pleasant climate.

Martina sent us this picture of Zadar, Croatia


This is Rina’s picture of Rijeka, Croatia


3. Why did you choose Italy? Use one word to describe what Italy represents for you.

Rina: I chose Italy because of the language and the culture. For me, Italy is a SECOND-HOME.

Martina: I wanted to improve my Italian and also enjoy Italian lifestyle. For me, Italy means FRIENDLINESS.

4. First three things that come up to your mind when you think about Europe. Do you consider yourself European?

Rina: Diversity, culture, travel. Yes, I consider myself European.

Martina: Home, certainty, beauty. I consider myself European.

5. Say something about Erasmus.

Rina: It has been an overwhelming experience, sometimes even surreal (heh)

Martina: Once you go Erasmus, it’s always Erasmus:) It’s a possibility to study abroad, but also to become friend with people from all over the world, to travel and to change your way of thinking.

6. Croatia, Italy, Europe: similarities and differences.

Rina: Our mentality is rather like the Italians’ one. The similarities are related to the cultural heritage, cuisine, people’s temperament. Certainly there are differences, sometimes concerning the little everyday things, other times are bigger, even crucial. However Erasmus taught me how to overcome these differences and free the mind from any prejudice.

Martina: We have similar humor, food and climate, but Italians are more relaxed, open and easy- going.

aegee, beauty, Bergamo, croatia, Erasmus, Europe, featured, law, nature, rijeka, zadar, zagreb

Margherita Ravelli

Nata nel 1989 ad ovest della cortina di ferro, dalla mia cameretta della provincia di Bergamo ho sempre guardato con curiosità verso est, terra dei gloriosi popoli slavi. Dopo aver vagabondato fra Russia, Ucraina e Polonia ho conseguito la laurea magistrale in lingua e letteratura russa, con una tesi sul multilinguismo e sulla multiculturalità nella repubblica russa del Tatarstan. Sono responsabile della sezione Internazionale di Pequod, oltre che redattrice occasionale per attualità, cultura e viaggi.

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