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Aegee VS Europe

This week Pequod meets Aegee had a chat with the members of Aegee Bergamo. They’re students or former students who are constantly involved in organising activities for Erasmus students and in promoting Aegee spirit in Italy. We asked one of them some questions, very similar to those we usually ask Erasmus students.


1. Describe your country in three words (or phrases, or ideas, or places, or people…).

Enchanting, multicultural, self-defeating


2. How would you describe Aegee?

Aegee is not just a student association, it’s a new world of friendship and great experiences that you couldn’t try out if it!

3. What does AEGEE mean for you?

New skills, speaking foreign languages with students like me in my town, travelling around Europe.

"In our togetherness (as a team), castles are built" Irish proverb
“In our togetherness (as a team), castles are built”
Irish proverb

4. First three things that come up to your mind when you think about Europe. Do you consider yourself European?

Freedom, opportunities, travels. I consider myself Italian and European.

5. What’s Erasmus for you?

Actually, a lot of friends and parties in Bergamo, I have not been in Erasmus yet!

aegee, Bergamo, Erasmus, Europe, featured

Margherita Ravelli

Nata nel 1989 ad ovest della cortina di ferro, dalla mia cameretta della provincia di Bergamo ho sempre guardato con curiosità verso est, terra dei gloriosi popoli slavi. Dopo aver vagabondato fra Russia, Ucraina e Polonia ho conseguito la laurea magistrale in lingua e letteratura russa, con una tesi sul multilinguismo e sulla multiculturalità nella repubblica russa del Tatarstan. Sono responsabile della sezione Internazionale di Pequod, oltre che redattrice occasionale per attualità, cultura e viaggi.

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